Membership recruitment is strictly controlled, and each member must have his or her application endorsed by the management of the establishment of which he or she is an employee.


Qualifications of the highest standard are required for members, including the Master Chefs City and Guilds Certificate 706/4 (UK membership), and for our international applicants, certificates of a similar high standard have to be obtained.



Education Department

Feed the Planet & Sustainability

Recognition of the Global Master Chefs is rooted in its eminent founders, patrons, and life voting members who hold the grade of (MGMCUE).


The collective expertise of its highly qualified officers and fellows guarantees its prestige and reputation as an authority in the hotel and catering industries, as well as in the technical colleges and universities of catering with whom the associations have close links as a further verification of membership standards.


 Without Borders CHEFS



Apart from receiving a globally recognized title, the Global Master Chefs have much more to offer their members.
Global Master Chefs have extensive knowledge of the culinary arts industry and are always on hand to share information and experiences with each other to allow everybody to reach their full potential.
Thinking of setting up your own business? Many Global Master Chefs are successful proprietors of restaurants and catering companies and are sure to offer valuable service.
Our international chapters are encouraged to organize events and competitions for their members, providing great networking opportunities.
All the latest news, views, and stories from our Global Master Chefs are published on our website and in our newsletter to keep all members up-to-date with society news.
Our members can promote their profiles in our newsletter and on our website.
